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  • Admissions - Joining our School

    Choosing Tylers Green First School

    Children at the heart of the School, the School at the heart of the Village.

    Starting school can be a daunting process but we aim to make things as easy as possible for you.  We offer school tours with the Headteacher before the admissions round closes so that you can ask any questions you have and get a feel for the school.    Please contact the school office to book a tour.  We have added a list of "Frequently Asked Questions" about admissions below.

    Our admissions are administered by Bucks County Council.  Please click on the Admission rules for Community and Voluntary Controlled School below for the latest version. 

    Applications are due in from November to January the year prior to your child's fourth birthday and notifications of placements are announced in April.

    We run a transition programme for our Reception children for the first two school weeks in September - your child will build up to full time with us by mid September.  This helps our children settle in and get off to a flying start.  Click on the link below for more details.

    Moving up to Junior School

    Tylers Green First School is "Linked" to Tylers Green Middle School for admissions purposes.  This means that children who have attended Tylers Green First School  have high priority under their admissions criteria. Siblings at either school count as a "sibling" for both schools for admissions.   Please see the Tylers Green Middle School website for their current admissions policy.  

    Please follow these links for more information:

    Intended Admission Numbers

    The admission number determined by the Local Education Authority is set at 60 for each academic year.

    Frequently Asked Admissions Questions

    I don't live in catchment.  How likely is it that my child will get a place?

    Unfortunately we can't give a clear answer on this question as it depends on the birth rate in catchment,  and how many children apply. Each year recently this has been different and it is difficult to predict.  We usually take a substantial number of children who are not in catchment.  In some years we have taken children who live up to two miles away, in other years it has been about 1.5 miles.  Essentially, if you would like your child to come here, it is worth applying.

    Do children attending the Nursery on the school site have priority?

    No.  This is not one of the admissions criteria.  We take children from many different nurseries, pre-schools, childminders and those who have not been to childcare before school.  

    If my child comes here are they guaranteed a place at Tylers Green Middle School?

    The transfer is not automatic, You will need to make an application when your child is in Year 2.  Tylers Green Middle School have recently changed their admissions criteria to give a higher priority to children who have attended Tylers Green First School. Tylers Green Middle School also have more places per year group than we do (we have 60 per year group and they have 64).  All of this means that, although not guaranteed it is likely that your child will be able to move to Tylers Green Middle School if you choose for them to do so.  

    What does the sibling rule mean?

    As Tylers Green First and Middle Schools are linked, siblings in either school are counted for admissions purposes.  This means that if you have a child in Tylers Green Middle School, this is counted as a sibling for Tylers Green First School.  This is good news if you have a gap between your children that would mean that your older child had moved to middle school before your younger child started school.  

    How does in-year admissions work?

    If you move to the area mid-year or want to move your child from their current school, please contact the Admissions department at Buckinghamshire.    Places do come up from time to time if families move away, but we may not always have a place in the year group you need.